I remember looking at Stefano (Fane), my friend who came from Rome to shoot this wedding with me, during the party and we both had the biggest smiles on our faces because we knew this was a very special wedding. He asked me shyly a little earlier if I shoot many weddings like this one, and I told him that no, nobody shoots so many weddings like this one. But I get to shoot more and more the weddings I dreamed of shooting when I started doing this and this has nothing to do with the beautiful locations, but with the people. This is why we were smiling! We were in great company.
Eva and Michael wedding was a treat and a joy for me as a wedding photographer from the evening before the wedding day to the the last hour of one of the best parties I've ever photographed!
Thank you for trusting me and for your patience, Eva and Michael! You are wonderful people and a beautiful family and I hope to see you again soon!
All the best,
PS: The slideshow at the end of this blogpost is password protected. Ask Eva and Michael for it, please! Thank you!
PS: Three of the pictures below are shot by Stefano. Thanks for helping me, dear friend, you did a great job!
PS: Three of the pictures below are shot by Stefano. Thanks for helping me, dear friend, you did a great job!

Eva & Michael - Schloss Obermayerhofen, Austria - July 2016 from Marius Barbulescu on Vimeo.